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curriculum vitae (short version)


Ph.D. in English (focus in Composition and Rhetoric) The Graduate Center, CUNY, New York, NY, June 2016.

            Supervisor: Wayne Koestenbaum

            Dissertation Title: Imagining a “Poethical” Classroom

Master of Fine Arts in Poetry, The New School, New School University, New York, NY, May 2003

Bachelor of Arts in English/American Studies, Douglass College, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, May 2001



Winner of the Timothy Healy Prize for the Best Dissertation on Twentieth-Century Poetry and Poetics, CUNY Graduate Center, June 2016

The Millennium Dissertation Year Fellowship, CUNY Graduate Center, 2012-2013

 Travel Grant, English Department, Baruch College, Spring 2012

            Funding to lead a featured session at the Conference on College Composition and Communication on “Composing Genealogies: A Family Tree                        of Composition/Rhetoric”

Graduate Student Travel Grant, Office of the Provost, CUNY Graduate Center, Fall 2011

            Funding to present at the Modern Language Association annual conference on "Provocative Feminisms"

Communication Fellowship, Bernard L. Schwartz Communication Institute, Baruch College, Academic Years 2009-2012

Winner of the 2002-2003 Teaching Fellowship, New School University




POST CLASSIC  (Roof Books, New York, New York, November 2019, 93 pages)

INSTANT CLASSIC  (Roof Books, New York, New York, November 2013, 89 pages)

NO GENDER: Reflections on the life and work of kari edwards. Eds. Erica Kaufman, Julian T. Brolaski, and E. Tracy Grinnell (Venn Diagram

Productions, Brooklyn, NY, 2009, 204 pages)

Censory Impulse  (Factory School, Queens, NY, January 2009, 92 pages)



"On Joan Retallack's Memnoir: Investigating the 'Experience of Experiencing.'" Reading Experimental Writing, ed. Georgina Colby. Edinburgh:

Edinburgh University Press, forthcoming.

"Que(e)rying our Classroom(s)." The Supposium: Thought Experiments and Poethical Play in Difficult Times, ed. Joan Retallack, New York: Litmus

Press, 2018.

“A Rose is a Rose is a Thesis Statement: Gertrude Stein in the First Year Writing Classroom.” Approaches to Teaching  the Work of Gertrude Stein, eds.

Logan Esdale and Deborah Mix, Modern Language Association. 2018.

“Introduction,"  Adrienne Rich: Teaching at CUNY 1968-1974 (Volumes I and II), Lost and Found: The CUNY Poetics Documents Initiative, Series IV,

CUNY Graduate Center, Spring 2014.

“Giant Creatures Sculpted Here: Collectivity, Gender, and Performance in the Collaborations of Eileen Myles.” New York School Collaborations :The

Color of Vowels, ed. Mark Silverberg. New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2013.



Director, Institute for Writing & Thinking and Visiting Assistant Professor of Humanities, Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY, 2018-present.

Responsible for IWT’s annual programming and on site workshop offerings at schools

Oversee IWT’s Embedded Programs (design, scaffolding, rationale, and presentation of multi-year professional development programs offered in schools)

Support the director of the Language & Thinking Program required of all Bard first year students (serve on hiring committees, provide pedagogical oversight)

Collaborate with Bard High School Early Colleges to develop and support professional development workshops for individual sites, as well as network-wide opportunities

Responsible for ongoing research and review of IWT’s signature writing-based teaching pedagogy

Teach one course per semester in the undergraduate college (either First-Year Seminar or Getting Schooled in America, a 6-credit interdisciplinary, co-taught seminar)


Director of Faculty and Curriculum Development, Institute for Writing & Thinking, Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, June 2016 to December 2017.

Develop and lead writing-based teaching workshops for faculty from institutions worldwide,

Identify, recruit, and mentor faculty associates, overseeing the quality of professional development workshops offered worldwide,

Academic Oversight of Embedded Programs which includes the design, scaffolding, rationale, and presentation of sustained multi-year

professional development programs offered in schools,    

Collaborate with Bard High School Early College administration and faculty on professional development support,

Teach First Year Seminar: The Common Course (two-semester writing-intensive course required of all freshmen).


Visiting Assistant Professor of Literacy Education, Bard Master of Arts in Teaching Program, June 2016 to present.

Co-Teach Schooling in the 21st Century (introductory orientation course required for all students),

Teach Language, Literacy, and the Adolescent Learner (core literacy course required for all students),      

Serve as Field Supervisor for students in teaching placements in both middle school and high schools.


Associate Director, Institute for Writing & Thinking, Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, June 2013 to present.

Develop and lead writing-based teaching workshops for faculty from institutions worldwide,          

Teach Language, Literacy, and the Adolescent Learner (core literacy course in the Master of Arts in Teaching Program),

Teach First Year Seminar: The Common Course (two-semester writing-intensive course required of all freshmen).


Institute Associate, Institute for Writing & Thinking, Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY, December 2008 to present.

Teach semi-annual pedagogy workshops for a wide variety of teachers (ranging from elementary school to college). Courses taught include Writing & Thinking, Writing & Thinking with Technology, Poetry & Pedagogy, Writing to Read, Revolutionary Grammar. Organizes one-day conferences for teachers including: “Serious Play: Teaching through Poetry” (April 2011) and “The Fourth Genre: Creative Nonfiction in the Classroom” (April 2012).


Faculty Member and Faculty Mentor, Institute for Language & Thinking, Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY, June 2008-present.

Teach annual 3-week intensive summer writing class for incoming freshmen.


Full-Time Lecturer, English Department, Baruch College, New York, NY, August 2012 to June 2013.

Teach Writing I & II (theme-based composition courses),

Great Works I and II (World Literature survey class),

Lead faculty development workshops (with the Bernard L Schwartz Communication Institute).


Graduate Teaching Fellow/Adjunct Lecturer, English Department, Baruch College, New York, NY, September 2007-May 2012.

Taught Writing I & II (theme-based composition courses),

Great Works I and II (World Literature survey class).


Visiting Writer, The Poetry Project at St. Mark’s Church in-the-Bowery, New York, NY, Fall 2012.

Taught intensive ten-week interdisciplinary creative writing course.


Visiting Faculty, Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics, Naropa University, Boulder, CO, Summer 2011.

Taught intensive creative writing course for MFA candidates.


Guest Lecturer, MFA in Fine Arts, Parsons The New School for Design, New York, NY, Spring 2011.

Taught writing intensive course for second year MFA students.


Adjunct Lecturer, English Department, New York City College of Technology, Brooklyn, NY, Fall 2009.

Taught English 1101 and 1121.


Adjunct Lecturer, Art and Design Studies Department, Parsons School of Design, New York, NY, September 2002 to May 2007.

Taught Critical Reading and Writing I & II




Bard Reading Initiative, Bard College, 2018-present

Bard-Smolny Faculty Exchange and Oversight Committee, 2017-present

Faculty Exchange and Oversight Committee (Bard High School Early Colleges), 2017-present

First Year Seminar Steering Committee, Bard College, September 2015-2016

Composition Committee, English Department, Baruch College, September 2012-2013

Curriculum Committee, English Department, Baruch College, September 2012-2013

Advisory Board, Institute for Writing & Thinking, Bard College, August 2012-June 2013

Assessment Committee, Great Works of Literature, Baruch College, Fall 2010-May 2013

Grammar Committee, Parsons The New School for Design, 2002-2009



Co-Coordinator, Teacher Resource Center, Modern & Contemporary American Poetry Massive Online Open Course, Kelly Writers House, University

of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, August 2014 to present.

Develop and maintain free teaching resources for teachers of all levels participating in free open interactive online course on Modern and Contemporary American Poetry. Create comprehensive supplemental syllabus of materials for teachers to use to supplement poetry units (including tips for teaching approaches, background resources and recordings of the poets discussed in the course, and sample lesson plans). Participate in the filming and creation of video discussions to support teachers including: “on the pedagogy of close reading,” a discussion on open education, “on using writing in the close reading classroom,” and “on teaching poetry in an age of standards.” Attend and contribute to weekly webcast class sessions. Hold weekly virtual office hours.

Communications Fellow and Grant Writer, Bernard L. Schwartz Communications Institute, Baruch College, New York, NY,  2009 to 2012.

Work with full-time faculty in a wide range of departments at Baruch College (Accounting, Marketing, Business Policy, Modern Languages and Literature) on implementing a successful communication-intensive classroom. Work with students (both individually and in presentation groups) on writing and oral communication projects.  Design and run  Writing Across the Curriculum faculty development workshops (including sessions on: Assignment Design, Writing-Based Teaching, Integrating Technology into a Writing-Intensive Course). Support Assessment Design for Great Works of Literature Program. Develop, draft and submit grant proposals to raise funds for Writing Across the Curriculum projects.

Curriculum Specialist, Holocaust Educators Network, New York, NY, May 2008 to June 2013.

Maintain interactive web site, assist staff with the creation and implementation of writing-centered Holocaust and Social Justice curricula for rural teachers from under-privileged districts around the country, assist in leading annual two-week seminar.

Curriculum Specialist, Sponsors for Educational Opportunity, New York, NY, June 2008 to September 2009.

Design and write curriculum for critical writing and reading enrichment courses (grades 7-12) for high achieving, low income students of color. Hire and train potential instructors.




InFiltration: An Anthology of Innovative Poetry from the Hudson River Valley, eds. Anne Gorrick and Sam Truitt. Barrytown, NY: Station Hill Press,


Come Together: Surviving Hurricane Sandy, Year 1, ed. Phong Bui. Brooklyn, NY: The Brooklyn Rail/Industry City Associates, 2014.

What’s Your Exit?: A Literary Detour Through New Jersey, eds. Joe Vallese and Alicia A. Beale. Middletown, NJ: Word Riot Press, 2010.


Selected Journals & Magazines

“bad habit(s),” The Recluse 10, eds. Stacy Szymaszek, Arlo Quint, Nicole Wallace (The Poetry Project, New York, NY, May 2014).

“fragile makeup,” Asterisk 18, ed. Jess Mynes (Wendell, MA, Spring 2014).

“INSTANT CLASSIC: think her,” Parkett, Volume 91, ed. Bice Curiger (Zurich/New York, Fall 2012).

“INSTANT CLASSIC: a[tone]meant,” Poem of the Day on May 21, 2012. (Academy of American Poets).

Selections from INSTANT CLASSIC, Elective Affinities: Cooperative Anthology of Contemporary US Poetry, ed. Carlos Soto Roman, June 2010.




“Maker Learning: An Experiential Workshop on Pop Up Makerspaces,” Keynote Speaker, Symposium on Communication and Communication-                     Intensive Instruction, Baruch College, CUNY, March 30, 2014.

“Beginning Again and Again: New Media, Old Tools,” Conference on College Composition and Communication, Indianapolis, IN, March 22, 2014.

“How do We Teach Gertrude Stein: Three Classrooms, Two Rooms,” American Literature Association Conference, Westin Copely Place, Boston,

MA, May 25, 2013.

“a rose is a rose is a thesis statement,” Gertrude Stein Symposium, Beinecke Library, Yale University, New Haven, CT, October 26, 2012.

“Rewriting the Epic Heroine: Anne Waldman’s Revisioning of the Epic,” Plenary Roundtable, National Poetry Foundation Poetry of the 1980’s                                       Conference, University of Maine, Orono, ME, June 30, 2012.

“Composing Genealogies: A Family Tree of Composition/Rhetoric,” Featured Session, Conference on College Composition and Communication, St.                            Louis, MO, March 22, 2012.

“Provocative Feminisms,” Modern Language Association Annual Convention, Washington State Convention Center, Seattle, WA, January 6, 2012.

“Teaching Introductory Classes Digitally,” CUNY IT Conference, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, New York, December 2, 2011.

“Toward a Vibrant Conversation: Contesting the Boundaries Between Essay and Poem,” Conference on College Composition and Communication,                 Atlanta Marriott Marquis, Atlanta, GA, April 8, 2011.

“Ice on the Planet: Ecopoetics, Eileen Myles, and Joan Retallack,” &Now Conference: Innovative Writing & the Literary Arts, Hyatt Regency Buffalo,

Buffalo, NY, October 17, 2009.



Editor, Litmus Press, 2013-present.

Co-editor, Aufgabe,  September 2011-2014.

Advisory Board, First Years Honors Composition (FYHC),, September 2010-2013.

Co-editor, Writing from the Inside Out, The Journal of the Institute for Writing & Thinking, Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY, August 2010 to


Co-chair, Composition & Rhetoric Area Group, CUNY Graduate Center, 2010-2012.

Co-chair, Poetics Group, CUNY Graduate Center, 2009-2012.

Co-editor and co-curator, Belladonna* and Belladonna Books, New York, NY, 2003—2010.



Proficient Reading, Writing, and Speaking Hebrew (modern and biblical) and French.

Passed the Modern Hebrew Language Reading Exam, January 2011, CUNY Graduate Center.

Passed the French Language Reading Exam, May 2010, CUNY Graduate Center



National Council for the Teaching of English

Modern Language Association

College English Association

Writing Program Administrators



Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite, AdobeCreative Suite, DreamWeaver, Blackboard, Moodle, WordPress, Blogger, Zotero, all Google applications, Dropbox, Prezi, among others.







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